
PDFThe Rose Defense

Reprinted with permission of Portland Monthly.

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PDFThe Naked American Hero vs. TSA

PDFThe Right to Sleep -- Kernel vs. City Hall

PDFHammer vs. City of Salem

PDFFlores-Haro vs. Washington County and Hillsboro

Beth Creighton and Michael E. Rose, partners in Creighton & Rose, PC, Portland, Oregon, along with co-counsel David Park, were awarded the 2018 Arthur H. Bryant Public Justice Award by the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, for their successful representation of Adalberto Flores-Haro and his family in their federal civil rights case against Washington County and Hillsboro, Oregon, whose police officers shot and gravely injured Mr. Flores-Haro. Beth, Michael and Dave obtained for them one of the largest verdicts in Oregon history for an excessive force claim against law enforcement.